Hi everyone, my last post covered surviving Valentine’s Day while single. So I thought I would share my ideas on how to make this day the fun day that it is.
Like any other popular event/holiday, there is an expected level of stress, that is simply an expectation but that should not ruin anything. The best thing about Valentine’s Day, is that if all else fails e.g. reservations, you can still come up with creative ways to make the best of the day.

Tip #1: Plan ahead – I cannot stress this point enough, especially with dinner reservations or buying flowers. It is better to have arrangements in place and have the option to cancel. Planning ahead will also allow you to think of additional things to make the night fun. And this is the same for getting yourself prepared. Plan you outfit ahead of time so you are not rushed or frustrated before heading out. With everyone calm and relaxed, the day or night will definitely go smoothly.
Tip 2: Know your partner – Unless it is a new relationship, you should have an idea of what your partner likes and does not like. Ask them questions that give ideas to the perfect gift, the item they have always wanted and even how they would like to spend Valentine’s Day. Some partners are perfectly happy doing nothing on that day and forcing a ‘celebration’ could backfire. I like this tip the most; because it avoids pretentious situations and doing something that genuinely makes your partner happy will warm your heart even more.
Tip 3: Be creative – While the traditional chocolates and flowers are a win, if you can think of creative ways to make the celebration of your relationship fun, go for it. There are plenty of great ideas online on creative and fun V-Day ideas. This tip will earn you bonus points, because who wouldn’t love something unique that is special and dear to them but also shows that you know your partner. Definitely give this tip a try.

If you have any more tips to add, please share, I would love to hear them. And I hope this quick and easy outfit provides some inspiration for your date. A simple black dress, leggings and heels is a classy look. Add a red coat and you are all set.
All pictures by Ann Maas Photography.

Wishing you all a happy Valentine’s Day and see you on my next post.
XoXo… Nia!!!