
How To Feel Amazing Everyday

Imagine feeling amazing every day. Does that seem possible to you, or like a distant dream? Well, with a little effort and know how, this could be your reality. You may need to change a few of your daily habits, and you may need to make a few tweaks to your mindset, but it can be done. Let’s take a look at how you can start feeling amazing every day!

Wake Up Naturally

You may not be able to wake up without an alarm, but try to help yourself wake up naturally as much as possible. For instance, you can use a dawn simulating alarm clock, or use an app that senses when you’re in the lightest stage of sleep. You don’t want to be woken up when you’re in a deep sleep, as you’ll feel disoriented and it could get you off to a shaky start. 

Have A Morning Routine You Love 

Next, make sure you have a morning routine you love. It could involve reading, exercise, or simply sitting and enjoying a hot drink without rushing. Make it your own and make sure it sets you up for the day ahead. 

Get Ready 

You don’t need to get dressed up like you’re going to the Met Gala, but the clothes you wear and how you choose to present yourself can play a huge role in how good you feel. Bear this in mind as you pick your clothes and get ready for the day.

Be Kind To Others 

Being kind to others can give us a huge sense of joy – more so than doing things for ourselves, according to studies. Do something nice for someone else, whether it’s buying them a coffee or simply starting a conversation with a stranger. Perhaps you could look at granite grave marker headstones as a gift for somebody you love who has lost somebody, or do something else thoughtful. Try to be as thoughtful as you can and always look for opportunities to help people. 

Count Your Blessings 

Don’t forget to start and end the day by counting your blessings. Be as grateful as possible and more things to be grateful for will show up. 


You don’t need to want to change your body to exercise. Exercise can make us fitter and healthier, and it can give us a huge dose of endorphins to carry us through the day. 

Have Some ‘You’ Time

Make sure you schedule ‘you time’ into every day. Take a bath, read a book, or do something you enjoy. Just schedule it in like you would any other task. 

Stay In The Moment

Try not to worry about the past or the future. When you catch yourself doing this bring yourself back to the present moment as gently as you can. 

Limit Social Media Exposure 

Social media can make us feel jealous and resentful. At the very least, it can make us compare ourselves and want to change. Limiting your exposure could help to reduce these feelings.

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