
Rediscover Your Fun Side in Long Term Relationships

Excitement is at the very core of your relationship when you first start dating. As love evolves into something more serious, many aspects change for the better. Sadly, though, many couples find that the fun factor fades.

Whether it’s due to changing life circumstances or simply getting too comfortable, it’s vital that you find ways to combat this. Use the following checklist, and you’ll soon rediscover the spark.

1~Go on fun dates 

When you first started dating, the fact that you had to meet up in public and make a good impression encouraged you to make memories. However, the incentive to do this is greatly reduced when you are living together. After all, you could quite easily just watch a movie on the sofa. While there’s nothing wrong with doing that, it can get a little repetitive.

Therefore, making time for fun date nights should be a conscious change to your lives over the months to come. It doesn’t have to be expensive either. Trips to the bowling alley, for example, allow you to reminisce about your first dates and inject healthy competition. Romantic walks are another great example of how you can have fun without spending big.

In fact, even a home date night can be fun. Cook a fun hands-on meal together or play games in an evening where cell phones are kept on silent. Aim of monthly dates, and it’ll give you something to look forward to. Better still, it’s a continued commitment to each other.

2-Reassure each other

Everybody has their faults. Sadly, many couples fall into the trap of focusing on their shortcomings rather than focusing on the positives. This can mean dwelling on issues you’d like to improve about your relationship. While it’s great to set your sights on future improvements, you must not forget to live in the moment and appreciate the good things.

Perhaps more worrying is the tendency to point out the faults of your partner. This can become a game of mental tennis in which you try to score points. Even when it’s not going to end the relationship deep down, there is no question it harms your mood. When you’re constantly being dug out, the desire to have fun is greatly reduced. Avoid it.

Instead, you should learn to compliment each other. About physical things. About character traits. When you regularly build each other up, everything from positivity to confidence levels will see a change. Consequently, then, you’ll subconsciously want to spend more time together.

3-Take care of your health

The harsh reality is that it’s hard to have fun when you are preoccupied with other issues. Poor health and a lack of energy caused by inadequate lifestyle are major distractions. Before you can dedicate yourself to your partner, you just learn to give yourself the love and attention you deserve. Protecting your health through smarter choices is essential. 

An investment into better sleeping habits will serve you both well. Moreover, you should be proactive in checking out changes to your hearing or other health issues. Meanwhile, you can turn healthier living into a fun activity that can be shared. A joint detox to recharge the body stands out as a great solution. You can spur each other on to eat healthily too.

There are many ways to turn exercise into a fun activity too. Whether it’s joining a team sport or signing up for a charity bike ride together is up to you. Those moments, combined with your increased energy levels will have a positive influence. And the benefits are instant.

4-Remove negative influences

As with many things in life, removing the negative aspects is often as significant as adding some positives. As already touched upon, reaching the point where you feel everything you do is wrong will make daily interactions feel like a slog. Meanwhile, if you’ve noticed that an issue is harming the enjoyment, such as gambling or drinking, you must address this.

Outside influencers can be equally problematic. Friends that constantly question your relationship will impact your mindset even if it doesn’t risk your love. In recent times, though, comparing yourselves to others on social media has become a major problem. Their lives aren’t as perfect as they make out. But that won’t stop you feeling bad.

There is no need to focus on others. Sure, you can get inspiration from others, especially in regards to dates and other aspects of life. Ultimately, someone else’s fun doesn’t reduce yours. Therefore, your focus should be solely on your happiness.

5-Have separate social lives, too

Spending time together is essential for maintaining fun in your relationship. Nonetheless, you should not ignore the benefits of spending time apart. You each have your own circle of friends. Creating time for those special people in your individual lives can establish balance. It allows you to create fun memories with friends, and treasure time together as a couple.

Whether it’s booking a day at the spa, or a trip to watch your sports team doesn’t matter. We all need to enjoy some activities with our friends and without our spouses. When you feel connected at the hip, there is a real threat that it’ll all become too much. Besides, even if you share a lot of interests, you each have your own passions that the other isn’t invested in.

If you are happier in your life as a whole, there’s every chance that you will be happier when spending time together. After all, happiness is contagious and can increase your desire to seek further sources of smiles. Moreover, you’ll each become more fun to be around.

6-Find a new joint hobby

Despite the point directly above, it should now be clear that spending time together is the best way to get the fun back in your relationship. Similarly, passion and engagement into a project will increase your solo and joint enjoyment. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is to find a new hobby or pastime that you can both enjoy together.

Again, this can be something as simple as watching a new comedy boxset. Alternatively, playing interactive games on the Switch can be a lot of fun. Playing music together, exploring attractions with a linked theme, or creating a YouTube channel are all great options. Of course, the most important feature here is to find something that you both actually enjoy.

Aside from being a lot of fun, the new passion can be immensely attractive. 

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